We are very proud of the warm and wonderful environment we provide and the fabulous teaching and learning program we offer at AGPS. We strive to make our school an engaging, caring and inspirational place; one where children love to learn and succeed.
In 2021 we had our four yearly International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) Evaluation. The aim of the evaluation is for the IB to ensure that the standards and practices of the programme are being maintained.
There were a number of commendations which indicates that our school is demonstrating performance that excels the expectations of the IB. Some of these were:
The school is commended for its clear vision and open communication that ensures that the school community understands and is committed to the programme.
The school is commended on its collaborative culture and ensuring the school is committed to a collaborative approach to curriculum development.
The school engages international mindedness through the broad use of the learner profile across the community.
The school is commended on specialist learning areas that have been developed to support the arts, language, environmental studies, sport and technology.
The school has built a stimulating learning environment based on understanding and respect throughout the school community. This is acknowledged by staff, students, parents and the school council.
The school is commended on its strong focus on ensuring teaching and learning empowers students to take self-initiated action as a result of the learning.
We were extremely proud of our assessment result which presented us with the knowledge that we continue to provide a challenging and engaging educational program based on high academic expectations and respect for all in our school community.
Foundation 'Applications to Enrol' for 2025 ARE NOW OPEN. Enrolment forms are available from the school office for all applications that are 'in zone' and for all students who currently have a sibling enrolled at AGPS.
'Applications to Enrol' are available for any applications that are 'out of zone'.
For more information click on this link: Student Enrolment Information | agpswebsite
The following forms are available from our office in hard copy,
or click on the links below and print at home.
2024 Enrolment Form
2025 Enrolment Form (for in zone & sibling applications)
2025 Application to Enrol (for out of zone applications)
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