Our Arts Programs
Our specialist programs in the creativity arena are Performing Arts and Visual Arts.
Performing Arts
Performing Arts covers all elements of the Performing Arts curriculum which are Dance, Drama, Music and Media. This is enhanced by a comprehensive instrumental music teaching program which includes violin, drums, voice, keyboard and guitar lessons. The children are encouraged to join the various singing and choir groups on offer. We are entertained regularly at our school assemblies by student performances and also at our mid-year and end of year soirees.
Years 5 & 6 Production in 2023
In 2023 our Year 5 & 6 students presented the production 'It's a Jungle Out There'. This was a wonderful experience for the students as it provided them with the opportunity to perform on a real stage in front of a large audience. Class teams came together as one to make this event truly memorable.
Years 3 & 4 Production in 2024
In Term 3 this year our Years 3 & 4 students will be presenting the production 'The Little Mermaid'. Many lunchtime rehearsals are timetabled and a small team of helpers are creating costumes and props. It promises to be another incredible production lead by Mrs Nicolson and Mrs McGregor.
Please enjoy the below photo galleries from 'It's a Jungle Out There'.

Visual Arts
Visual Arts caters for the artist in everyone. The program is diverse and provides opportunities for students to explore their creativity resulting in some very artistic works. We enjoy the colourful art displays across the school which enriches and brightens our environment.
The Art program is celebrated each year by our amazing Art Expo which showcases our students’ talent. This is a wonderful school event which is enjoyed by the school community. We take pride in the artwork that our students create as can be seen in the below collage during remote learning.
Please enjoy the below gallery of all our student's incredibly talented artwork: