Mathematics (Numeracy)
Mathematics at Aspendale Gardens Primary School is based on students developing key understandings and explicit skills and being able to demonstrate and apply these to real-life situations. Maths is a blend between verbal, written and hands-on activities and wherever feasible is taught through the relevant context of the units of inquiry.
The Maths curriculum includes the 3 Mathematical areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. The curriculum focuses on developing increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical understanding, fluency, reasoning, modelling and problem-solving. These capabilities enable students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematics to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students develop skills in questioning, modelling, explaining, analysing, hypothesising and applying, as well as the interpersonal skills to work cooperatively. The use of hands-on equipment and ICT are incorporated into teaching and learning to support, engage, reinforce and present mathematical concepts. Learning is differentiated through using an inquiry approach which provides students with the opportunity to take ‘risks’ and have ownership of their own learning. Teachers use ‘enabling tasks’ and ‘extending tasks’ to support the students with their maths learning goals.
Supporting Maths with ICT
At Aspendale Gardens Primary School we use an online maths support programs that students have access to at school and at home. Essential Assessment allows the teacher to set assessments for the students. The program offers follow-up activities and tutorials for the students to complete based around the questions that were answered incorrectly.
Supporting Maths at Home
Please find below a link a document about how you can support the development of Maths at home. This file also contains some links to other supports and resources that you can use to help develop your child's love of Maths.