Canteen Information
Our school aims to provide students and staff with a variety of foods to satisfy their needs for adequate nutrition during the day. We ask parents to support our attempts to improve the variety and nutrient content of food offered to students by supervising their child’s choices to ensure a balanced selection.
Our canteen is out-sourced to two of our wonderful parents, Geri Sinclair & Sarah Taylor. The Canteen is OPEN Thursday and Friday for lunch orders and lunchtime over-the-counter sales.
Lunch orders can now be ordered on line via QKR. Orders can be placed for Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays within a 2 week window. This system will assist with “not having to look for that extra loose change” at the last minute and will allow for a more efficient,
stream-lined ordering system.
Orders will still be accepted by using a paper bag and cash.
Please see our canteen menu below or select link to have a copy of your own: